
Monday, August 27, 2012

How Acne Scar Laser Treatment Works

Living with acne for sure is not life everyone will be comfortable to live with, lucky for those who survive past their teenage years with just minor scarring. But then how about those individuals in their midlives but still haunted by the vicious scars of the teenage cystic acne? Are they doomed to suffer a caste system like living? Shy, and having issues regarding self esteem? That seems so unfair. But with the latest technological advances such as acne scar laser treatment can live a normal life free from constant ridicule and teasing.

Acne scar laser treatment is a simple, fast yet effective laser treatment against acne scar.   The treatment is relatively pain free; well a mild stinging sensation can be felt, no major side effect. An acne scar can be treated in just one session or more, well it depends on how big and how deep the scarring is. Be wary though that each scar is different from the others, so let your dermatologist decide the appropriate treatment suited for you.

Acne scar laser treatment due to its simplicity can be done on the dermatologist's clinic. The process may take from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on the scar severity. This laser treatment had gain patronage among acne sufferers and dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons due its high level rate of success which helped a lot of acne sufferers regain a normal life. Though the treatment can be quite expensive, rest assured that every spent was worth it.

Make sure to pick a qualified practitioner and don't hesitate to ask about the equipment that will be utilized and the type of acne scar laser treatment to be employed. Usually the most common acne scar laser treatments that are used are the Erbium YAG Laser, and the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) laser.  If in doubt, seek testimonies from those who have already had the treatment, and ask for quotations on a course of treatment applicable in your particular circumstances as most of laser treatment and cosmetic surgery procedures are not covered by medical insurance.